
The 2024 CRCNS (Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience) PI meeting is being hosted in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The meeting will consist of a two-day conference at the University of Minnesota's McNamara Alumni Center on August 20-21, 2024

The PIs and Co-PIs receiving grants from the NSF-NIH-AEI-ANR-BMBF-BSF-DOE-ISCIII-NICT CRCNS program convene annually. This gathering is inclusive, welcoming not only those funded by CRCNS but also engaging a diverse community of computational and experimental neuroscience researchers, along with relevant program officers from NSF, NIH, and international collaborators. In addition to sharing progress reports, the meeting aims to emphasize and explore collaborative opportunities in computational neuroscience across various scales, spanning from synapses and molecules to cognition and behavior.

The conference will feature in-person presentations and discussions. Attendees are encouraged to submit abstracts for poster presentations, with a special invitation extended to PIs and trainees from CRCNS-funded projects to showcase their progress updates.

We hope that you will join us!

Local Organizing Committee

Alexander Opitz (UMN), Dora Hermes (Mayo Clinic), Prodromos Daoutidis
(UMN), Kendrick Kay (UMN), Gordon Smith (UMN)


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